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- Album3
- Artwork Index366
- Audio Recording35
- Books329
- Collection38
- Letters & Manuscripts383
- Magazines & Periodicals130
- Maps & Plans64
- Newspaper Clippings75
- Newspapers384
- Pamphlets & Ephemera493
- Photograph7200
- Photographer...
- Charles J Fearnley (1915-1988) 2388
- Derek Smith 680
- Ans Westra (1936 - 2023) 645
- Ron Cameron 297
- Unknown 204
- F.G. Barker 170
- Cornelis ‘Kees’ Van Kranen (1923 – 1999) 134
- Unidentified 100
- Wellington City Council photographer 60
- National Publicity Studios photographer 54
- National Publicity Studios 50
- Ray Duffell 47
- Euan McQueen 38
- unknown 34
- New Zealand Railways photographer 33
- S. P. Andrew 32
- R. Anderson (National Publicity Studios) 31
- Alistair Bristow 30
- Bryan Staff 29
- R. Coad (National Publicity Studios) 29
- Burton Brothers 25
- Neil Price (WCC photographer) 20
- Derek Smith 15
- J. Waddington (National Publicity Studios) 15
- Evening Post photograph 14
- B. Richardson (National Publicity Studios) 13
- Downstage Theatre photographer 13
- T. Hann (National Publicity Studios) 13
- William Hall Raine 13
- F. G. Barker 12
- Alistair Bristow (WCC) 11
- Frederick George Radcliffe 11
- New Zealand Railways Photographer 10
- S. Raynes (National Publicity Studios) 9
- Noeline McQueen 8
- W. Cleal (National Publicity Studios) 8
- M. Berthold (National Publicity Studios) 7
- Muir & Moodie 7
- R. Coad and T. Hann (National Publicity Studios) 7
- R. Silcock (National Publicity Studios) 7
- Downstage Theatre Photographer 6
- Mr. Hutchinson (National Publicity Studios) 6
- Sydney Charles Smith 6
- W. Neill (National Publicity Studios) 6
- Wellington City Council staff photographer 6
- D. Nicholson (National Publicity Studios) 5
- Evening Post photographer 5
- Gordon Burt 5
- J. Waddington (National Publicity Studios photographer) 5
- Mr. Neill (National Publicity Studios) 5
- R. Coad (National Publicity Studios photographer) 5
- Wellington City Council Photographer 5
- J Kissling 4
- Joseph Zachariah 4
- Muir & Moodie 4
- National Publicity Studios Photographer 4
- Sydney Charles Smith 4
- Unidentified 4
- Wellington City Council Staff Photographer 4
- William Collie 4
- Zak Studios 4
- A.K. Bristow 3
- Charles J Fearnley 3
- Crompton-Smith 3
- G. Simpson (National Publicity Studios) 3
- Henry Winkelmann 3
- J.F. Le Cren (New Zealand Railways photographer) 3
- J.G. Duncan (New Zealand Railways photographer) 3
- M. Berthold (National Publicity Studios photographer) 3
- Neil Price, Wellington City Council 3
- T.W. Hann (National Publicity Studios) 3
- A K Bristow 2
- A K Bristow 2
- B. Clark (National Publicity Studios photographer) 2
- David James Aldersley 2
- F. G Barker 2
- G. Hutchinson (National Publicity Studios photographer) 2
- G. Hutchinson (National Publicity Studios) 2
- H. R. Maybury for the Wellington City Council 2
- Henry Wright 2
- J D Gough 2
- James Bragge 2
- Laurence Hoare 2
- Mr. Clark (National Publicity Studios) 2
- Muir and Moodie 2
- New Zealand Railways publicity photographer 2
- R. Anderson 2
- R. Anderson (National Publicity Studios photographer) 2
- S. Raynes (National Publicity Studios photographer) 2
- T. W. Hann (National Publicity Studios photographer) 2
- W. Cleal (National Publicity Studios photographer) 2
- WCC staff photographer 2
- Wellington City Council photograph 2
- William Thomas Locke Travers 2
- [F. G. Barker?] 2
- Muir & Moodie 1
- 'Evening Post' photographer 1
- (National Publicity Studios photographer) 1
- 50006-268 1
- 50006-367 1
- 50006-384 1
- 50006-402 1
- 50006-415 1
- 50006-419 1
- 50006-422 1
- 50006-460 1
- 50006-466 1
- 50006-485 1
- 50006-62 1
- A sister of Wellington Hospital 1
- Albert Percy Godber 1
- Anderson (National Publicity Studios photographer) 1
- Arthur Henry Stock 1
- Berry & Co. 1
- C. W. Pascoe 1
- Charles Boyer 1
- Charles P. S. Boyer 1
- Charles P. S. Boyer 1
- Crompton-Smith 1
- Crown Studios 1
- Crown Studios Ltd 1
- D. Nicholson (National Publicity Studios photographer) 1
- E. Denton 1
- Evening Post Photographer 1
- F G Barker 1
- F. G Barker 1
- F. G. Barker 1
- F. N. Jones 1
- F. O'Leary 1
- F.G. Barker 1
- G. Linley 1
- G. Martin (National Publicity Studios) 1
- George Dalrymple Monteith 1
- George Wall 1
- Gordon H. Burt 1
- H. Neville Ross 1
- Hall Raine Stdios 1
- Hall Raine Studios 1
- Hall-Raine Studio 1
- Hall-Raine Studios 1
- Heaton Clairemont Peart 1
- Henry Charles Clarke Wright 1
- Herbert Deveril 1
- J. F. Le Cren (New Zealand Railways photographer) 1
- J. W. Jones 1
- J.G. Duncan (New Zealand Railways) 1
- James Bragge 1
- Joseph Zacharia 1
- Leslie Hinge 1
- M J McGrath 1
- M. Crompton-Smith 1
- Mabel Tustin 1
- Mr Coad (National Publicity Studios) 1
- Mr Fowler (National Publicity Studios) 1
- Mr Neill (National Publicity Studios) 1
- Mr Nicholson (National Publicity Studios) 1
- Mr Silcock (National Publicity Studios) 1
- Mr. Clark (National Publicity Studios photographer) 1
- Mr. Cleal (National Publicity Studios) 1
- Mr. Hutchinson (National Publicity Studios photographer) 1
- Mr. Neill, National Publicity Studios 1
- Mr. Nicholson (National Publicity Studios) 1
- Muir & McKinlay 1
- N.Z. Railways 1
- National Publicity Studios photographers 1
- Neil Price 1
- Neil Price (WCC Photographer) 1
- New Zealand Photographic Company 1
- New Zealand Railways Department photographer 1
- Otago Daily Times 1
- Otago Daily Times 1
- Palmer & Mahood 1
- Percival Frederick Nash 1
- Pollok Brothers 1
- R P Moore 1
- R. Coad / B. Clark (National Publicity Studios) 1
- R. Coad and T. Hann (National Publicity Studios) 1
- R. Gough 1
- R. Silcock (National Publicity Studios photographer) 1
- R.W. 1
- Railways Department photographer 1
- Railways Department photographer 1
- Royal New Zealand Defence Force photographer 1
- S. Raynes 1
- Samuel Heath Head 1
- Stonebridge and Co 1
- T. Hann (National Publicity Studios photographer) 1
- T. Stonebridge & Co. 1
- The Dominion (? not verified) 1
- The Tyree Studio 1
- Tom Beard 1
- Uknown 1
- Unkown 1
- W Brown 1
- W Hall Rainer 1
- W. Cleal 1
- W. F. Kennedy 1
- W. Hall Raine 1
- WCC Photographer 1
- Walter McGinnis 1
- Wellington City Council 1
- Wellington City Council Photographer 1
- Wellington City Council Staff Photographer 1
- Wellington City Council photographer 1
- Wellington City Council staff 1
- Whites Aviation 1
- William Hall Raine 1
- Zak (Joseph Zachariah) 1
- [F. G. Barker] 1
- [Travers, William Thomas Locke, 1819-1903] 1
Show More - Location...
- Te Aro 820
- Newtown 500
- Wellington Central 360
- Thorndon 327
- Rongotai 265
- Mt Cook 250
- Brooklyn 232
- Mt Victoria 216
- Karori 203
- Kelburn 196
- Terrace Area 160
- Lyall Bay 154
- Aro Valley 144
- Berhampore 137
- Seatoun 123
- Kilbirnie 121
- Miramar 118
- Johnsonville 117
- Oriental Bay 95
- Pipitea 82
- Newlands 74
- Porirua 73
- Petone 65
- Ngaio 57
- Island Bay 55
- Upper Hutt 55
- Hataitai 51
- The Terrace 51
- Evans Bay 50
- Khandallah 45
- Trentham 42
- Kaiwharawhara 36
- Wadestown 35
- Island Bay 34
- Roseneath 34
- Karaka Bays 29
- Northland 29
- Wellington Railway Station 29
- Makara Beach 25
- Customhouse Quay 24
- Lower Hutt 23
- Wellington Waterfront 21
- Wellington Harbour 20
- Ōwhiro Bay 18
- Willis Street 15
- Mornington 14
- Bolton Street Cemetery 13
- Makara 12
- Paremata 12
- Strathmore 12
- Wainuiomata 12
- Mercer Street 10
- Mount Street Cemetery 10
- Wilton 10
- Eastbourne 9
- Makara 8
- Manners Street 8
- Naenae 8
- Plimmerton 8
- Queens Wharf 8
- Tawa 8
- Cannons Creek 7
- Wharves 7
- Ōtaki 7
- Hāwera 6
- Melrose 6
- Whanganui 6
- Days Bay 5
- Featherston Street 5
- Houghton Bay 5
- Mākara 5
- Ngauranga 5
- Victoria Street 5
- Bond Street 4
- Breaker Bay 4
- Cuba Street 4
- Farish Street 4
- Highbury 4
- Karori Reservoir 4
- Paparangi 4
- Tuamarina (Marlborough) 4
- Worser Bay 4
- Alexandra Barracks 3
- Boulcott Street 3
- Buckle Street 3
- Jervois Quay 3
- Masterton 3
- Paekakariki 3
- Papakowhai 3
- Paraparaumu 3
- Stokes Valley 3
- Thorndon Quay 3
- Wairarapa 3
- Browns Wharf 2
- Bunny Street 2
- Dixon Street 2
- Featherston 2
- Grenada Village 2
- Grey Street 2
- Hunter Street 2
- John Street 2
- Kaiwharawhara 2
- Maupuia 2
- Moa Point 2
- Museum Street 2
- Ohariu Valley 2
- Pukerua Bay 2
- Raumati 2
- Seaview 2
- Taitā 2
- Taranaki Street 2
- Town Belt 2
- Tītahi Bay 2
- Vogeltown 2
- Waikanae 2
- Wakefield Street 2
- Wellington waterfront 2
- Whitby 2
- Abel Smith Street 1
- Botanic Gardens 1
- Cambridge Terrace 1
- Castlepoint 1
- Churton Park 1
- Clifton Terrace 1
- Clyde Quay 1
- Cook Strait 1
- Cornhill Street 1
- Crofton Downs 1
- Flooding 1
- Gracefield 1
- Hill Street 1
- Horokiwi 1
- Karaka Bay 1
- Kāpiti Coast 1
- Lambton Quay 1
- Lyall Bay 1
- Mangaroa 1
- Nelson 1
- Newtown 1
- Parliament 1
- Pauatahanui 1
- Plimmer Steps 1
- Somes Island 1
- Southgate 1
- Stout Street 1
- Taita 1
- Takapu Valley 1
- Te Aro 1
- Te Mārua 1
- Thorndon 1
- Waitarere Beach 1
- Waiwhetu 1
- Waterloo Quay 1
- Wellington 1
- Wellington City Libraries 1
- Willeston Street 1
- Woodville 1
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- Postcard379
- Posters265
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- Geotags 6368
- OCR 2284
- Recollections/Stories 47
- Tags/Captions 3
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