Nga Waahi Taonga o Te Whanganui a Tara: Māori Sites Inventory
Nga Waahi Taonga O Te Whanganui a Tara was first compiled in 1994 by the Wellington City Council to firstly provide a quick reference guide to Wellington's tribal heritage but also to allow a preliminary list of historic sites to be included in Wellington's first District Plan, the creation of which was required under the Resource Management Act of 1991.
Though a degree of oral tribal history was used, a lot of the information was drawn from the research of Elsdon Best from the late 19th and early 20th centuries as well as the work of George Leslie Adkin in the 1950s which further developed Best's earlier scholarship. It should be noted that Best's work has at times been criticised as being unreliable in certain areas and the authors have tried to correct this or to provide more appropriate explanation wherever possible.
The inventory was principally compiled by the Te Āti Awa scholars Peter Adds and Morris Love. Further assistance and content was provided by Tom Bennion, Neville Gilmore, Duncan Moore and David Young.
This digitisation draws together the second edition of the inventory (1995) with the planning maps indicating the sites. These maps were originally created for the Wellington District Scheme (the predecessor of the District Plan) and were issued as a separate volume. Note that in many cases site locations are indicative only. Due to the large size of the original maps, we suggest that these be 'zoomed-in' by either clicking on the magnifying glass icon and dragging it upward, 'mouse-wheel' zooming, or by clicking on the "Zoom to 100%" icon above it and allowing the map to download.
Map 10 : Ohariu - Te Ika a Maru Precinct
M7 Kumuhore Cultivations (Makara)
M8 Terraces and Pits (north of Makara Beach)
M9 Oven area (Makara Beach township)
M10 Te Arei Kāinga (Ohariu Bay)
M12 Unidentified Kāinga (above Ohariu Bay)
M13 Unidentified Midden (Ohariu Bay)
M15 Unidentified Pā (Wharehou Bay)
M16 Unidentifed Pā (Wharehou Bay)
M17 Unidentified Pā (above Wharehou Bay)
M19 Unidentified Terrace Ditches & Karaka Grove (Opau Bay)
Map 11 : Ohariu & South Coast
M20 Unidentified Terracing / Lookout Point (between Opau and Te Ika a Maru bays)
M21 Te Ika a Maru Pā (Te Ika a Maru Bay)
M22 Unidentified Pits (Te Ika a Maru Bay)
M23 Te Rama a Paku Pā (Te Ika a Maru Bay)
M24 Unidentifed Terraces (Te Ika a Maru Bay)
M28 Unidentified Terraces and Karaka Grove
Map 12 : South Coast & Rimurapa Precinct
Map 9 : Takapu
Map 8 : Western Harbour Shoreline
Map 7 : South-Western Harbour Shoreline
Map 6 : Northland, Kelburn & Te Aro
M54 Orangi Kaupapa Cultivation Area
Map 1 : Pipitea Precinct / Thorndon
M61 Tiakiwai Stream and Cultivation Area
Map 2 : Te Aro
Map 3 : Te Aro, Newtown & Te Ranga a Hiwi Precinct / Mt Victoria
M72 Matarirangi / Tangi te Keo
M76 Wellington Tenths Development Precinct
Map 4 : Tapu te Ranga - Haewai Precinct & Akatarawera Matairangi / Island Bay